Monday, August 12, 2019

Qualities and skills necessary for success in a specific Essay

Qualities and skills necessary for success in a specific career-Business - Essay Example Only through a charismatic character can a person win the attention and interest of the people. Charismatic character is essential for achieving success in one’s personal as well as professional life. Along with this, the ability to communicate well is an essential requirement. This is where the charm of orators lie. The primary weapon of an orator is his/her ability to communicate. Like any other profession a person who wish to be an orator should first have a role model. He/she should read and listen to their speeches and analyze it to determine the factors of their success. There are many common skills and traits which many of the public speakers and orators have in common. But some of the most important skills are: Thorough Research: Telling the same phrases and incidents again and again makes only a good speaker. But researching more on the topic and presenting new ideas build up great speakers. Focus: A good orator should not divert from the message to be conveyed. All a dditions like humor, story, phrases, etc should end in the transfer of message clearly to the audience. This will help your audience to grasp your message. Organized: You need to be organized and present your ideas logically. An organized speech will help the audience to recall it easily. Humor: Humor is an easier and interesting way to convey the message. Also, the timing of the humor is also of utmost importance in a speech. Knowledge about the audience: Awareness about the audience is essential to make the speech successful. An orator should deliver the message that the audience need to hear. Proper feedback: It is very important to understand that no presentation or presenter is perfect. An orator should seek continuous feedback from the audience in order to make continuous self improvement. Act and speak ethically: Ethics and respect for the audience is very important for a good speaker. A good speaker is responsible for his words and statements. Public speaking opportunities s tem right from the play school of a child and the quality mounts high as we mount the ladder of professional success. To be a successful public speaker, the speaker needs to be very interesting. A boring speaker is a bad speaker. A good public speaker needs to be credible. He/she should have strong authority on the statements. Authority on the statements can be achieved only if facts are presented with passion and conviction. They have the direction and ability to provide ideas and direction to solve their problems. They should inspire the audience with a â€Å"Can Do Approach†. The famous speeches of Sir Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, etc illustrate the key attributes of outstanding public speakers. Bad Public Speakers Bad public speakers are self focused rather than audience focused. Some of the commons things which bad speakers have are as follows: Voice tone: Bad speakers are monotonous in nature. This will lead to loss of interest among the audience. Pace: is imp ortant to speak slowly and clearly. If your words are not clear it is difficult to make any sort of good impression on the audience. Some speakers don’t speak with a conviction. You need to be calm and take the correct pauses. Extroverts vs. introverts: Extroverts are found to be bad public speakers. They are difficult to be trained. At the same time introverts tend to be good speakers as they are better listeners. Conclusion

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